Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Expanding my PLN

The whole focus of this blog is to journal my way through creating and expanding my personal learning network. Last week I was able to follow my passion and do the things that I love to do and sadly don't have the time to. While I was following my passion I was able to explore some of the tools that we have learned during our Learning and Technology class. One tool that I wrote about was Pinterest, which I love! After last week, I had a hard time trying to get back into the habit of daily participating in the other tools we've learned. It takes ALOT of time and effort and to be honest I just don't have it. With the class we are expected to be participating and using the tools daily. I've been thinking about this and what I can do to try and accommodate these into my daily life and I realized that I kind of have. It's just that I've found the tools that I like to use and what I find the most useful for me. I think every teacher can tell you that each student is different in what they like and how they learn. This can be applied to my PLN. We have been given a plethora of tools to use to help expand our PLN. We've been told to explore and use these tools daily, and truth be told I don’t have the time. But, I also don't have the drive. I don't like some of the tools and that is why I don't push myself to use them. I know that the all the tools are important and useful and can all help me expand myself as a teacher. Right now though, they aren't all useful to me. They don't all fit what I need at this moment, doesn't mean they won't in the future. For example, I personally hate twitter. I've never liked it; it's one of those things that I just don't get. To me it's something I dread having to use. It is a waste of my time and I just don't care. I know that not everyone feels this way and I can understand why others like it and use it. It does have it's benefits but for me. It’s not something that I enjoy. I think that not all tools are for everyone. I would much rather use Pinterest. To me this website has been one of the most wonderful things that I have learned this year. I find time to use this site because I love it. It has been so useful for my teaching. I have found wonderful ideas to use and have been able to find great blogs to follow through this site. This is a tool that fits my needs and me so I use it daily. Not only do I use this site and the ideas from it but I tell the other teachers at my school about it. I've given them ideas that I have found on Pinterest to incorporate into their class. Not only have I told my colleagues about Pinterest but also I've told them about the other tools that they can learn. So in a sense I've been expanding my PLN through them. Many of them use the information I gave them and then come back and we discuss what they found and where other places are that they found as well (We've actually have had some very interesting discussions during our lunch break about different ideas we've found). So when I think about it I have been expanding my PLN even if it's not the way that is expected for the Learning and Tech class. I still find new ideas and blogs to follow just in a different way. I found a way to do this that fits my style and how I learn best. I'm going to keep trying the other tools as well and try to find a way that fits how I learn but it's difficult when I work one way and it's the best way for me. But like I tell my students we should always try different things even if we don't want to because sometimes it may be something we enjoy.


  1. I really like your post Christina. I think you hit a few really key points. I think the entire point of this class is to find what you are passionate about and the tools that help you cultivate that passion. I think what has happened though, is that even though this class is supposed to be geared towards us and expanding our PLNS, somehow there is still that expectation that is HAS to include twitter. I have come to realize the value of twitter, and I don't mind participating in it. However, what I don't like is that I feel like I HAVE to, that my tweets are being counted and they can't all be posted at one chunk of the day, they have to be posted throughout because there is this idea of "continuously" participating. This is actually turning me off to twitter because I feel like I'm being forced to use it rather than just posting what I really want to share when I want to share it. It's really awesome that you have made Pinterest so relevant to your classroom and have actually made connections to others through it. I have an account and I love it, but I'm mainly using it for my wedding so I'm not including it in my PLN for the purposes of this class (just like my wedding website).
    Thanks for your post!

  2. Hello Christina, I am in the JDP6 class, and I know where you are coming from. Twitter makes your brains fall out. But to address Professor Heil's request on whether you "should" use twitter, I have found it to be useful in monitoring some trends, and I have found links and resources I probably never would have otherwise.
    The trick to using twitter is to find the right hashtags. The cool thing for me being in a relatively unknown field is to monitor what is going on in neuroeducation. In this case I am one of the few to use this hashtag, so I feel like I am paving the way in this area.
    It is also neat to follow those people who are my heroes in education, like Diane Ravitch, for example.
    Now I will have to look up Pinterest for sure since you are the second person I have heard rave about it. The first person called it "digital crack". Just what I need more "tools" to waste time with.

  3. Ditto on the hashtags, like Abigail said--it is a great way to stay on top of what's happening in the areas of education important to you.

  4. Christina, I am also from the JDP cohort. I would think you might find Twitter useful to share, via hashtags, new items you "pin" with a group of individuals. Otherwise how will we know when you find something really great. Believe me I am always in need of good ideas. It is hard to stay fresh and engaging in the classroom without new stuff and who has time to look for all the new stuff?

  5. Hi Christina,

    Joel from the JDP cohort. I had a tough time with twitter in the beginning but have found alot of great resources and information by using it. My vote would be "yes" to use it when you have the time and all you need is to come accross a couple of really good hashtags.

  6. I am totally with you about Pinterest. I love all of your repins. I've probably repinned most of them!

  7. Hi Christina!

    The JDP group made a lot of good points! I think that following or being active with the hashtags is important, but unfortunately, I only know of the hashtags that Cybraryman has really put out there... I hope to learn more other hashtags in the Biology field as well as in areas that I'm personally interested in... now to find the time! haha
